Welcome to the Touch at Halswell Domain 2014 page.
Team registrations for this year's touch module at Halswell Domain close 4th October. The cost is $20 per player, payable once your child has been confirmed in a team. Payment should be made to the school office stating your child's name and their team name.
Interested in getting your child involved in the exciting and fun sport of touch rugby? Why not join an Oaklands School team.
Touch Draw 7.11.2014
Touch Draw 31.10.2014
Touch Draw 24.10.2014
We help organise teams in the following grades:
* Under 7
* Under 9
* Under 11
* Under 13
Games are played each Friday during term 4 and term 1, 2015.
Under 7 and 9 games begin at 4:40pm, Under 11 and 13 games begin at 5:15pm.
Students should turn up to the correct field 15 minutes prior to start time so that the team can warm up and get ready to start on time.
Q: How do I get my child involved?
A: Read, complete and return the 'Information and Permission' form (available from office). Please try and have these in by September 12th (Monday 15th is fine).
Q: What happens next?
A: The names will be entered into a database based on which age group they fit into. We will then look at the parents who were managers last year and have offered to be managers again this year to set up teams.
We aim to keep teams together from last year where desired and applicable (age may mean some players have to move up a grade).
Once we have identified the make up of these teams we will then add players where applicable to make up numbers for these teams.
We then look at our new managers and build a team around their child.
We use the following principle to guide us - playing with your friends is much more fun than not.
Q: When will the teams be sorted?
A: The teams will be sorted by the end of term. Next week (15th - 19th September) we will organise the existing teams and lock them in. We will then form the other teams. A meeting will be held for players not already in a team where we will get students to form up based on age and who there friends are.
On Sunday 21st there is a 'have-a-go' morning at school. We will use this as a chance to further confirm teams.
The last week of term (22nd-26th September) will be confirming teams and letting parents know which team their child is in.
Q: How will I know what team my child is in?
A: A notice will come home, teams will be displayed on the sport noticeboard outside Room 6 and the teams will be posted on this page.
Interested? Need further information?
contact me at grant.forman@oaklands.school.nz
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